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Last Advisories
VMware Workstation - ALSA Config File Local Privilege Escalation (Metasploit)05-01-2018
Gespage 7.4.8 - SQL Injection05-01-2018
Microsoft Windows win32k - Using SetClassLong to Switch Between CS_CLASSDC and CS_OWNDC Corrupts DC Cache05-01-2018
Linux/x86 - Reverse TCP Shell ( Shellcode (69 bytes)05-01-2018
GetGo Download Manager - 'Proxy' Buffer Overflow05-01-2018
gps-server.net GPS Tracking Software < 3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities05-01-2018
Xplico - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)04-01-2018
Linksys WVBR0-25 - User-Agent Command Execution (Metasploit)04-01-2018
Linux/x86 - chmod 777 /etc/sudoers Shellcode (36 bytes)04-01-2018
Kingsoft Antivirus/Internet Security 9+ - Privilege Escalation03-01-2018
Multiple CPUs - 'Spectre' Information Disclosure (PoC)03-01-2018
WDMyCloud < 2.30.165 - Multiple Vulnerabilities03-01-2018
D-Link DNS-320 ShareCenter - Backdoor Access03-01-2018
Oracle WebLogic < 10.3.6 - 'wls-wsat' Component Deserialisation Remote Command Execution03-01-2018
WordPress Plugin Smart Google Code Inserter < 3.5 - Authentication Bypass / SQL Injection03-01-2018
EMC xPression 4.5SP1 Patch 13 - 'model.jobHistoryId' SQL Injection03-01-2018
Apple macOS - IOHIDSystem Kernel Read/Write01-01-2018
HP Mercury LoadRunner Agent magentproc.exe - Remote Command Execution (Metasploit)01-01-2018
Cambium ePMP1000 - 'get_chart' Shell via Command Injection (Metasploit)01-01-2018
Cambium ePMP1000 - 'ping' Shell via Command Injection (Metasploit)01-01-2018
PHP Melody 2.7.1 - 'playlist' SQL Injection31-12-2017
D3DGear 5.00 Build 2175 - Buffer Overflow31-12-2017
NetTransport 2.96L - Buffer Overflow (DEP Bypass)29-12-2017
ALLMediaServer 0.95 - Buffer Overflow (Metasploit)28-12-2017
ALLMediaServer 0.95 - Buffer Overflow27-12-2017
DotNetNuke DreamSlider 01.01.02 - Arbitrary File Download27-12-2017
SysGauge Server 3.6.18 - Denial of Service27-12-2017
Telesquare SKT LTE Router SDT-CS3B1 - Information Disclosure27-12-2017
Telesquare SKT LTE Router SDT-CS3B1 - Denial of Service27-12-2017
Telesquare SKT LTE Router SDT-CS3B1 - Cross-Site Request Forgery27-12-2017