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Last Advisories
PHPads 2.0 - 'click.php3?bannerID' SQL Injection06-05-2019
Xitami Web Server 2.5 - Remote Buffer Overflow (SEH + Egghunter)06-05-2019
LG Supersign EZ CMS - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)06-05-2019
Linux/x86 - shred file Shellcode (72 bytes)06-05-2019
SolarWinds DameWare Mini Remote Control 10.0 - Denial of Service03-05-2019
Instagram Auto Follow - Authentication Bypass03-05-2019
Linux/x86 - Openssl Encrypt Files With aes256cbc Shellcode (185 bytes)03-05-2019
Linux/x86 - Reverse Shell Shellcode (91 Bytes) + Python Wrapper03-05-2019
Crestron AM/Barco wePresent WiPG/Extron ShareLink/Teq AV IT/SHARP PN-L703WA/Optoma WPS-Pro/Blackbox HD WPS/InFocus LiteShow - Remote Command Injection03-05-2019
Blue Angel Software Suite - Command Execution03-05-2019
Wordpress Plugin Social Warfare < 3.5.3 - Remote Code Execution03-05-2019
Zotonic < 0.47.0 mod_admin - Cross-Site Scripting03-05-2019
Windows PowerShell ISE - Remote Code Execution03-05-2019
Ruby On Rails - DoubleTap Development Mode secret_key_base Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)02-05-2019
CentOS Web Panel (Free) / v0.9.8.753 (Pro) / (Pro) - Domain Field (Add DNS Zone) Cross-Site Scripting01-05-2019
Spring Cloud Config 2.1.x - Path Traversal (Metasploit)30-04-2019
Intelbras IWR 3000N 1.5.0 - Cross-Site Request Forgery30-04-2019
Moodle 3.6.3 - 'Install Plugin' Remote Command Execution (Metasploit)30-04-2019
Joomla! Component ARI Quiz 3.7.4 - SQL Injection30-04-2019
Veeam ONE Reporter - Persistent Cross-site Scripting (Add/Edit Widget)30-04-2019
Freefloat FTP Server 1.0 - 'SIZE' Remote Buffer Overflow30-04-2019
Netgear DGN2200 / DGND3700 - Admin Password Disclosure30-04-2019
HumHub 1.3.12 - Cross-Site Scripting30-04-2019
Joomla! Component JiFile 2.3.1 - Arbitrary File Download30-04-2019
Veeam ONE Reporter - Persistent Cross-Site Scripting30-04-2019
Intelbras IWR 3000N - Denial of Service (Remote Reboot)30-04-2019
Freefloat FTP Server 1.0 - 'STOR' Remote Buffer Overflow30-04-2019
Domoticz 4.10577 - Unauthenticated Remote Command Execution30-04-2019
Veeam ONE Reporter - Multiple Cross-Site Request Forgery30-04-2019
Agent Tesla Botnet - Information Disclosure30-04-2019