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Last Advisories
FreeBSD - 'setrlimit' Stack Clash Proof of Concept28-06-2017
Linux - 'ldso_hwcap_64' Local Root Stack Clash Exploit28-06-2017
Linux - 'ldso_hwcap' Local Root Stack Clash Exploit28-06-2017
WordPress Plugin Ultimate Product Catalogue 4.2.2 - SQL Injection27-06-2017
Microsoft MsMpEng - mpengine x86 Emulator Heap Corruption in VFS API27-06-2017
Easy File Sharing Web Server 7.2 - GET HTTP Request (PassWD) Buffer Overflow (SEH)27-06-2017
GLPI 0.90.4 - SQL Injection27-06-2017
login.php Bypass Admin27-06-2017
Netgear DGN2200 - dnslookup.cgi Command Injection (Metasploit)26-06-2017
LAME 3.99.5 - 'II_step_one' Buffer Overflow26-06-2017
NTFS 3.1 - Master File Table Denial of Service26-06-2017
Symantec Messaging Gateway 10.6.2-7 - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)26-06-2017
Eltek SmartPack - Backdoor Account26-06-2017
JAD Java Decompiler 1.5.8e - Buffer Overflow26-06-2017
Linux/x86 - Bind Shell Shellcode (75 bytes)26-06-2017
IBM DB2 9.7 / 10.1 / 10.5 / 11.1 - Command Line Processor Buffer Overflow26-06-2017
LAME 3.99.5 - 'III_dequantize_sample' Stack-Based Buffer Overflow26-06-2017
Adobe Flash - ATF Parser Heap Corruption23-06-2017
Adobe Flash - AVC Edge Processing Out-of-Bounds Read23-06-2017
Adobe Flash - Image Decoding Out-of-Bounds Read23-06-2017
Microsoft Edge - 'CssParser::RecordProperty' Type Confusion23-06-2017
unrar 5.40 - VMSF_DELTA Filter Arbitrary Memory Write23-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationWorkerFactory (WorkerFactoryBasicInformation)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure23-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationResourceManager (information class 0)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure23-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'win32k!NtGdiMakeFontDir' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationProcess (ProcessVmCounters)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationJobObject (information class 12)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationJobObject (information class 28)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'nt!NtQueryInformationJobObject (BasicLimitInformation, ExtendedLimitInformation)' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017
Microsoft Windows - 'win32k!NtGdiExtGetObjectW' Kernel Stack Memory Disclosure22-06-2017