Разработено от ИриДа Дизайн SQL Injection

2017-11-03 08:39:21
Posted by: Bl4ck M4n

|[+] Exploit Title: Разработено от ИриДа Дизайн SQL Injection
|[+] Exploit Author: Bl4ck M4n
|[+] Google Dork: inurl:"index.php?id=" site:bg
|[+] Tested on: Windows 10 , Mozilla Firefox
|[+] Sit: iedb.ir/ iedb.ir/acc xssed.ir
|[+] Demo: SqL
|[+] http://www.orbit.bg/index.php?id=116
|[+] http://www.ncsip.bg/index.php?id=15
|[+] http://www.homemax.bg/index.php?id=1
|[+] http://natfiz.bg/index.phpÿ/index.php?id=11ÿ/en/index.php?id=11
|[+] My Accounts :-
|[+] Telegram:@Bl4ck_M4n
|[+] [email protected]
|[+] 1- Amir
|[+] 2- B3HZ4D
|[+] 3- JOKER_S
|[+] 5- Mr.time
|[+] 6- Blck N3t
|[+] 7- Lulzsec
|[+] 8- *
|[+] 9- 8l4ck.z3r0
|[+] tnx: / www.exploit4arab.org / www.cxsecurity.com / www.bugsearch.net /
|[+] And All Member In Arbi AND Iranian


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