Joomla Component com_g2bridge LFI Vulnerability
2010-05-31 16:01:44# Exploit Title: Joomla Component com_g2bridge LFI vulnerability
# Date: May 30th, 2010
# Author: akatsuchi [Explore Crew] [email protected]
# Software Link:
# Platform / Tested on: CentOS release 4.8 (Final)
# category: webaps
[*] Exploit
[*] PoC
[*] Greetz
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bjork NoGe c0li jack aJe kaka11 zxvf s4va zreg veter Ijoo
gore gp_davied put_ra Sephi4
Antisecurity Devilzcode evilc0de Mainhack serverisdown IndonesianHacker
Indonesian Coder | ByroeNet | and all can not wrotted
[ It is my place. with all my friends. dgn orang-orang yang bisa menerima gw dan menganggap gw bagian darinya. karena ini adalah dunia kami. kami tidak ingin dibedakan. kita sama ]
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