OpenText Document Sciences xPression 4.5SP1 Patch 13 - 'documentId' SQL Injection

2017-10-02 20:05:04

Title: OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document
Sciences xPression) - SQL Injection
Author: Marcin Woloszyn
Date: 27. September 2017
CVE: CVE-2017-14757

Affected Software:
OpenText Document Sciences xPression (formerly EMC Document Sciences xPression)

Exploit was tested on:
v4.5SP1 Patch 13 (older versions might be affected as well)

SQL Injection:

Due to lack of prepared statements an application is prone to SQL
Injection attacks.
Potential attacker can retrieve data from application database by
exploiting the issue.

Vector :

https://[...]/xAdmin/html/cm_doclist_view_uc.jsp?cat_id=503&documentId=185365177756 and 1=1&documentType=xDesignPublish&documentName=ContractRealEstate

Results can be retrieved using blind SQL injection method.




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