Metasploit < 4.14.1-20170828 - Cross-Site Request Forgery

2017-08-30 00:05:02

# Exploit Title: CSRF
# Date: Wed, Aug 30, 2017
# Software Link:
# Exploit Author: Dhiraj Mishra
# Contact:
# Website:
# CVE: CVE-2017-15084 (R7-2017-22)
# Category: Metasploit Pro, Express, Ultimate, and Community

1. Description

Metasploit Pro, Express, Ultimate, and Community can encounter an issue of cross site request forgery (also known as one-click attack and is abbreviated as CSRF or XSRF), which is a type of malicious exploit of a website where unauthorized commands are transmitted from a user that the web application trusts. A CSRF attack attempts to exploit the trust that a specific website has in a user's browser.

2. Proof of concept

The MSF did not protect the logout form with csrf token, therefore i can logout any user by sending this url https://Metasploit-Server-IP:3790/logout
Here's an attack vector:

1) Set up a honeypot that detects MSF scans/attacks (somehow).
2) Once I get a probe, fire back a logout request.
3) Continue to logout the active user forever.

It's less damaging than a traditional "hack back" but is sure to irritate the local red team to no end. It's essentially a user DoS. This attack may have been useful as a denial of service against Metasploit instances, allowing an attacker to prevent normal Metasploit usage.

3. Rapid7 Security Bulletin


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