Oyabunstyle.de CMS SQL Injection

2017-11-06 09:11:17
Inviato da: Bl4ck M4n



|[+] Exploit Title: CMS Powered by Oyabunstyle.de SQL Injection


|[+] Exploit Author: Bl4ck M4n


|[+] Sit: und3rgr0und


|[+] Google Dork: N/A


|[+] Vendor site: http://sainahotel.com



|[+] Tested on: Windows 7 , parrot os




|[+] Demo:


|[+] http://sainahotel.com/plugins/ppgallery/image.php?id=2'


|[+] Twitter : M4nBl4ck


|[+] Amir / Bl4ck M4n / S3c_T0r / <!-Mr.PHoemix--> / Black N3t


|[+] tnx: www.exploit4arab.org www.bugsearch.net www.iedb.ir


|[+] And All Member In Arbi AND Iranian



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