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Last Advisories
xorg-x11-server < 1.20.3 - Local Privilege Escalation (Solaris 11 inittab)14-01-2019
Real Estate Custom Script 2.0 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
Find a Place CMS Directory 1.5 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
Hucart CMS 5.7.4 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (Add Administrator Account)14-01-2019
Horde Imp - 'imap_open' Remote Command Execution14-01-2019
Job Portal Platform 1.0 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
HealthNode Hospital Management System 1.0 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
Modern POS 1.3 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
ThinkPHP 5.X - Remote Command Execution14-01-2019
Cleanto 5.0 - SQL Injection14-01-2019
Hootoo HT-05 - Remote Code Execution (Metasploit)14-01-2019
Umbraco CMS 7.12.4 - Authenticated Remote Code Execution14-01-2019
Across DR-810 ROM-0 - Backup File Disclosure14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - SSPI Network Authentication Session 0 Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - COM Desktop Broker Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Portier Vision / - SQL Injection14-01-2019
AudioCode 400HD - Command Injection14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - DSSVC CanonicalAndValidateFilePath Security Feature Bypass14-01-2019
Dokany - Stack-Based Buffer Overflow Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - DSSVC DSOpenSharedFile Arbitrary File Delete Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - DSSVC MoveFileInheritSecurity Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - DSSVC DSOpenSharedFile Arbitrary File Open Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
Microsoft Windows 10 - Browser Broker Cross Session Privilege Escalation14-01-2019
S-nail < 14.8.16 - Local Privilege Escalation13-01-2019
Serv-U FTP Server < 15.1.7 - Local Privilege Escalation (2)13-01-2019
ASAN/SUID - Local Privilege Escalation12-01-2019
Blob Studio 2.17 - Denial of Service (PoC)11-01-2019
Luminance Studio 2.17 - Denial of Service (PoC)11-01-2019
Windows/x86 - Download With Tftp And Execute Shellcode (51-60 bytes)(msvcrt.system)(Generator)11-01-2019
Joomla! Component JoomCRM 1.1.1 - SQL Injection11-01-2019