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Last Advisories
D-Link DIR605L - Denial of Service14-11-2017
PSFTPd Windows FTP Server 10.0.4 Build 729 - Log Injection / Use-After-Free14-11-2017
D-Link DIR-850L - Unauthenticated OS Command Execution (Metasploit)14-11-2017
Dup Scout Enterprise 10.0.18 - 'Login' Buffer Overflow14-11-2017
Ulterius Server < - Directory Traversal13-11-2017
Kirby CMS < 2.5.7 - Cross-Site Scripting13-11-2017
Web Viewer (Samsung SRN-1670D) - Unrestricted File Upload13-11-2017
IKARUS anti.virus 2.16.7 - 'ntguard_x64' Privilege Escalation13-11-2017
Linux/x64 - Reverse TCP ( Shell (/bin/sh) + Password (1234567) Shellcode (104 bytes)11-11-2017
osCommerce - Arbitrary File Upload11-11-2017
Symantec Endpoint Protection 12.1 - Tamper-Protection Bypass10-11-2017
pfSense 2.3.1_1 - Command Execution07-11-2017
ManageEngine Applications Manager 13 - SQL Injection07-11-2017
Ametys CMS 4.0.2 - Unauthenticated Password Reset07-11-2017
CMS Website by Webmonster.gr - SQL Injection07-11-2017
CMS Developed by Galcode - SQL Injection07-11-2017
Xlight FTP Server - Buffer Overflow (PoC)07-11-2017
Linux Kernel 4.13 (Ubuntu 17.10) - 'waitid()' SMEP/SMAP Privilege Escalation06-11-2017
Oyabunstyle.de CMS SQL Injection06-11-2017
SMPlayer 17.11.0 - '.m3u' Buffer Overflow (PoC)05-11-2017
Avaya OfficeScan (IPO) < 10.1 - 'SoftConsole' Buffer Overflow (SEH)05-11-2017
Avaya OfficeScan (IPO) < 10.1 - ActiveX Buffer Overflow05-11-2017
Actiontec C1000A Modem - Backdoor Account04-11-2017
WordPress Plugin Userpro < - Authentication Bypass04-11-2017
Ladon Framework for Python 0.9.40 - XML External Entity Expansion03-11-2017
GraphicsMagick - Memory Disclosure / Heap Overflow03-11-2017
tnftp - 'savefile' Arbitrary Command Execution (Metasploit)03-11-2017
WordPress Plugin JTRT Responsive Tables 4.1 - SQL Injection03-11-2017
Logitech Media Server 7.9.0 - 'favorites' Cross-Site Scripting03-11-2017
Logitech Media Server 7.9.0 - 'Radio URL' Cross-Site Scripting03-11-2017