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Last Advisories
Joomla! Component MasterForms 1.0.3 - SQL Injection24-08-2017
Easy Video to iPod/MP4/PSP/3GP Converter 1.5.20 - Buffer Overflow (SEH)24-08-2017
MP3 WAV to CD Burner 1.4.24 - Buffer Overflow (SEH)24-08-2017
libgig 4.0.0 - LinuxSampler Multiple Vulnerabilities23-08-2017
IBM OpenAdmin Tool - SOAP welcomeServer PHP Code Execution (Metasploit)22-08-2017
Microsoft Windows - Escalate UAC Protection Bypass (Via COM Handler Hijack) (Metasploit)22-08-2017
Automated Logic WebCTRL 6.5 - Local Privilege Escalation22-08-2017
Automated Logic WebCTRL 6.5 - Unrestricted File Upload / Remote Code Execution22-08-2017
Matrimonial Script - SQL Injection22-08-2017
Automated Logic WebCTRL 6.1 - Path Traversal / Arbitrary File Write22-08-2017
VX Search Enterprise 9.9.12 - 'Import Command' Buffer Overflow22-08-2017
Disk Pulse Enterprise 9.9.16 - 'Import Command' Buffer Overflow22-08-2017
Disk Savvy Enterprise 9.9.14 - 'Import Command' Buffer Overflow22-08-2017
PHPMyWind 5.3 - Cross-Site Scripting21-08-2017
PHP Coupon Script 6.0 - 'cid' Parameter SQL Injection21-08-2017
Joomla! Component FocalPoint 1.2.3 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
PHP-Lance 1.52 - 'subcat' Parameter SQL Injection21-08-2017
PHP Jokesite 2.0 - 'joke_id' Parameter SQL Injection21-08-2017
Joomla! Component Flip Wall 8.0 - 'wallid' Parameter SQL Injection21-08-2017
Joomla! Component Sponsor Wall 8.0 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
Affiliate Niche Script 3.4.0 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
Apache2Triad 1.5.4 - Multiple Vulnerabilities21-08-2017
iTech Social Networking Script 3.08 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
Php Cloud mining Script - Authentication Bypass21-08-2017
PHP Classifieds Script 5.6.2 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
Joomla! Component Ajax Quiz 1.8 - SQL Injection21-08-2017
Easy DVD Creater 2.5.11 - Buffer Overflow (SEH)19-08-2017
Linux/x86_64 - kill All Processes Shellcode (19 bytes)19-08-2017
Linux/x86_64 - Fork Bomb Shellcode (11 bytes)19-08-2017
Apple macOS Sierra 10.12.1 - 'IOFireWireFamily' FireWire Port Denial of Service19-08-2017