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Last Advisories
WebKitGTK 2.1.2 (Ubuntu 14.04) - Heap based Buffer Overflow19-08-2017
QuantaStor Software Defined Storage < 4.3.1 - Multiple Vulnerabilities18-08-2017
Symantec Messaging Gateway 10.6.3-2 - Unauthenticated root Remote Command Execution18-08-2017
NoviFlow NoviWare <= NW400.2.6 - Multiple Vulnerabilities18-08-2017
Joomla! Component Zap Calendar Lite 4.3.4 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
DeWorkshop 1.0 - Arbitrary File Upload18-08-2017
SOA School Management 3.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
LiveSales 1.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
Joomla! Component Twitch Tv 1.1 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
LiveCRM 1.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
Joomla! Component SP Movie Database 1.3 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
Joomla! Component Appointment 1.1 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
MessengerScan 1.05 - Local Buffer Overflow (PoC)18-08-2017
Joomla! Component Calendar Planner 1.0.1 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
LiveInvoices 1.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
Matrimony Script 2.7 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
Joomla! Component KissGallery 1.0.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
LiveProjects 1.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
DSScan 1.0 - Local Buffer Overflow (PoC)18-08-2017
LiveSupport 1.0 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
eCardMAX 10.5 - SQL Injection18-08-2017
ZKTime Web Software 2.0 - Improper Access Restrictions18-08-2017
ZKTime Web Software 2.0 - Cross-Site Request Forgery18-08-2017
Mozilla Firefox < 45.0 - 'nsHtml5TreeBuilder' Use-After-Free (EMET 5.52 Bypass)18-08-2017
Adobe Flash - Invoke Accesses Trait Out-of-Bounds17-08-2017
Microsoft Edge - Out-of-Bounds Access when Fetching Source17-08-2017
Microsoft Edge Chakra - Uninitialized Arguments (2)17-08-2017
Microsoft Edge 40.15063.0.0 Chakra - Incorrect JIT Optimization with TypedArray Setter #317-08-2017
Microsoft Edge Chakra - 'JavascriptFunction::EntryCall' Fails to Handle 'CallInfo' Properly17-08-2017
Microsoft Edge Chakra - Uninitialized Arguments17-08-2017